The students’ portal is an electronic portal that allows all students to register courses, follow up financial account and status, announcements, courses details such as schedule and syllabus, and other information related to the department and lecturers.
The new distance learning platform helps students to attend all online courses including synchronous and asynchronous learning.
The platform allows students to attend live lectures, e-material, assignments, exams and assessments, projects, presentations, forums, direct messages with lecturers, and lecturer’s virtual office hours.
JAMS library provides all students, trainees, and lecturers many specialized references. JAMS keen to provide the library with updated versions and published references.
Main references cover IMO publications, STCW, periodicals, books, journals, and related magazines.

JAMS apartments are fully equipped to accommodate students, trainees, and visitors optionally. The apartments have very good furniture, wireless internet, TV, refrigerator, cooking area and equipment, washing machine, bathroom. It is fully monitored by cameras and security guards as well as other services.
Accommodation in a single room, double room, triple room are available as per request.
The apartments are near and close to student and trainees’ buildings.
JAMS provides students and staff with healthcare services. Also, clinic doctors are required to approve student’s medical fitness reports for acceptance forms for all new students.Main references cover IMO publications, STCW, periodicals, books, journals, and related magazines.

JAMS provides food services for students, staff, and visitors in the cafeteria building. The Cafeteria is equipped to serve during working days as well as holidays.
JAMS has its own vehicles to pick up students as an optional service. Furthermore, picking up service from and to the airport for foreign and international students and trainees are available as per request.

Entertainment and
sport activities
JAMS serves students with entertainment activities such as football, swimming, chess, ping pong, etc.