This course is designed to give the trainees sufficient knowledge in (ISM & ISPS Code) which belong to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), which contains all marine requirements that are concerned with maritime security and safety.
• Basic understanding of maritime security & ports & maritime facilities security.
• Basic understanding of maritime security basics & any other requirements.
• Familiarizing participants with ISPS Code & it’s optimal application.
• Familiarizing participants with ISM Code & it’s optimal application.
• Basic understanding of the assessment of maritime and port facilities.
• Enabling participants to form a suitable security plan for maritime & port facilities.
-Marine department staff
-Shipmasters, officers & engineers
-Marine inspectors & surveyors
– Shipowners, managers & operators
-Security & protection staff
– Those willing to work in port security
1. The attendance of the courses is daily and according to the schedule of each trainee and the commitment to the start times of the courses.
2. Please be in the course hall (face or virtual) a quarter of an hour before the start of the course.
3. The approved dress while attending the session is formal or semi-formal.
4 . Active participation and exchange of experiences from everyone.
5 . Attending the entire session without being absent for periods and then returning, as the lecturer will follow the full attendance of the session.
•A desktop/ a laptop/ a smartphone/ any device that can be linked to the internet.
•linking any of the above devices to the internet
•You will be provided with a link for the program or the application to be used to enable you to join lectures.
As for general courses fees will be refunded in case of withdrawal before the set date of the course, but in the case of custom-built courses, fees are refundable if cancellation is notified one week before the set date. Otherwise, agreed-upon fees will be chargeable.
Contact Person(s)
Name: Mr. Anas Quttaineh
Position: Manager , Admissions & Registration and Student Affairs
Telephone: 0096265240102
Fax: 0096265240107
Name: Eng. Ma’n Massad
Position: Manager, Quality Management & Business Development Center
Telephone: 0096265240102
Fax: 0096265240107
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